As President of Los Angeles Audubon Society, I want to thank you, members and volunteers, all for a great year! As I look back over 2019, I am grateful to have been a part of our efforts at conservation, community science, education, and spreading the joy of bird watching. With the recent reports of the decline of bird numbers (insert citation), our efforts at local conservation and habitat restoration is what we can do to make a difference. Think globally but act locally – That is what we are doing here in Los Angeles to provide more and better habitat for birds and humans alike.
Western Tanager, Vol. 86 No. 2, Nov–Dec 2019
INSIDE THIS ISSUE, Vol 86 No. 2 Nov–Dec 2019
•Malibu Coast - Field Trip Report
•BOOK REVIEW: The Soul of an Octopus — A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness
•The Los Angeles Audubon Society’s Condor Fund — A Short History
•Birds of the Season - October 2019
Field Trips
Bird Walks
• Wed., Nov. 13, 2019 — UCLA: A Living Laboratory for Urban Ecology and Sustainability, with speaker Nurit Katz
• Wed. Dec. 11, 2019 — Galapagos Memories, presented by Photographer / Naturalist, Jerome Gaw
The Los Angeles Audubon Society’s Condor Fund: A Short History
Since 1934, the Los Angeles Audubon Society has been publishing a regular newsletter titled Western Tanager. In reviewing back issues for mentions of the California condor, I was struck by the number of mentions to the group’s fund for the condor.
In this post, I report some of what I learned about the organization’s fund-raising for the California condor from issues of Western Tanager dated 1939-1969.
Field Trip Report: Malibu Coast — Oct. 5, 2019
By Read Howarth | Photographer, Grace Wang
The Malibu Coast Field Trip was a success with 12 participants at 8:00 am at Malibu Lagoon. The day got off to a great start with a Black-throated Gray Warbler adjacent to the parking lot in a sycamore tree as we gathered under the shaded ramada overlooking the lagoon.