LAAS Board Letters

MESSAGE FROM MARGOT: Considering the State’s Plan for the Ballona Wetlands

MESSAGE FROM MARGOT: Considering the State’s Plan for the Ballona Wetlands

The Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve (BWER) is the last coastal wetland in Los Angeles. It is sandwiched generally between Marina del Rey to the north, Playa Vista to the east, bluffs to the south, and the double dune system to the west, separating it from the Pacific Ocean. The wetlands are bisected by the Ballona Flood Control Channel, which carries rainwater and dry season urban flow from the upper Ballona Creek Watershed through the urban core to the ocean. The BWER is owned and managed by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), a State resource agency.

Statement Opposing Aerial Tram in Griffith Park

Almost 300 species of birds have been recorded in Griffith Park, ranking it as one of the most avian biodiverse urban parks in the world. The native, undisturbed habitat of the park makes it an important breeding location for many bird species. These include species found almost exclusively in California, such as California Thrasher, Nuttall’s Woodpecker, and Oak Titmouse, and species with wider distributions that are locally uncommon, such as California Quail, Rufous-crowned Sparrow, and Wrentit.