Monthly Program Presentations—Nov. 09, 2022 and Dec. 14, 2022

Nocturnal Flight Call Recording in Los Angeles County - Andy Birch

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

7:30 PM –8:30 PM

Are your dreams sometimes filled with birds? Perhaps, it’s because they are flying over you as you sleep! You may have heard that a vast multitude of birds migrate at night. While it is now fairly popular to watch birds migrating at daytime, you may have wondered, how on earth can we experience bird migration at night? Andy will try to help you unlock the secrets of how to witness and record this hidden bird migration happening across our skies at night.

Andy Birch has been birding LA County for over 25 years and lives with his young family in Los Feliz. He can usually be found birding Griffith Park and the LA River around Glendale and Los Feliz. Over the past 30 years, he has also illustrated identification plates for field guides and birding magazines in North America and Europe.

The program will be presented online at:

Tree Care for Birds - Ryan Gilpin, Wed., Dec. 14, 2022, 7:30 PM–8:30 PM

Millions of birds briefly visit or live their whole life in Californian cities. Urban forests made up of street trees, backyards and parks are important habitats that these birds rely on. Tree Care for Birds has been helping arborists care for trees while protecting wildlife and managing wildlife habitat since 2015. Join Ryan Gilpin to learn more about urban forestry, how arborists are being trained to minimize impacts to nesting wildlife, and how arborists are working with property owners to create more wildlife habitat in urban areas. Ryan will also share ideas about how you can work with arborists to make our cities better places for people and birds to live and visit.

Tree Care for Birds is a group of arborists, wildlife biologists, wildlife advocates and others creating educational materials for the tree care industry. Ryan was a founding member of the group, co-author of the Best Management Practices (BMPs) and teaches full-day workshops in which arborists learn how to use the Wildlife BMPs. Ryan is a consulting arborist, master birder, and business owner (Nidus Consulting) based out of Portland, OR.

The program will be presented online at: