Western Tanager May–June 2021 Vol. 87 No. 5

Mary and Anna’s Hummingbirds

Mary and Anna’s Hummingbirds

In honor of upcoming Mother’s Day, I would like to pay a little homage to my mother Mary’s favorite bird, the Hummingbird. My late mother’s adoration for these iridescent, fascinating little creatures, inspired her to collect and display an elaborate collection of fanciful tea cups, paintings, books, prints and other various doodads. She once even hired an artist friend of mine to paint a mural on her bedroom wall that included a splendid red-throated hummingbird.

YOUNG BIRDERS: Protection of Migratory Birds Requires International Cooperation

YOUNG BIRDERS: Protection of Migratory Birds Requires International Cooperation

At the northern edge of the Yucatan Peninsula in the southeast of Mexico, a Ruby-throated Hummingbird alights on a small branch. Weighing just three grams, this bird is preparing to begin its first spring migration. As dusk settles over the Yucatan shoreline, the hummingbird takes flight and heads out over the Gulf of Mexico. After flying 900 miles during the entire night without food, water, or rest, the hummingbird is exhausted, having lost almost half its body weight. Then, it sees the color that will save its life—the green trees of the east Texas shoreline. With the goal in sight, the hummingbird summons all its remaining energy to reach the shoreline, descends into a patch of flowers, and soon regains the lost energy and body weight by eating small insects and flower nectar. This incredible journey between Mexico and United States, however, is short compared to the migration of other bird species.

INTERPRETING NATURE: Snowy Plover Retrospective

INTERPRETING NATURE: Snowy Plover Retrospective

SNPL, you ask? The Western Snowy Plover has been federally listed as threatened since the 1990s, and various agencies have been monitoring it along the Pacific Coast for decades. LA Audubon has been conducting surveys since 2007. It’s estimated that just 2500 snowy plovers currently breed along the Pacific Coast.