
Hummingbird Experience

Hummingbird Experience

I found a hummingbird on the ground where I live. I was afraid that the cats would harm it so I picked it up in the palm of my hand. It was alive but very still in my hand, giving me the opportunity to pet it and comfort it. The bird stayed in the palm of my hand for a short time. I walked with it (in my hand) inside my building and then transferred the hummingbird to an employee where I live. She walked with it (in the palm of her hand) through the hallway and outside where the hummingbird then flew away.

It was an incredible experience!

Mary and Anna’s Hummingbirds

Mary and Anna’s Hummingbirds

In honor of upcoming Mother’s Day, I would like to pay a little homage to my mother Mary’s favorite bird, the Hummingbird. My late mother’s adoration for these iridescent, fascinating little creatures, inspired her to collect and display an elaborate collection of fanciful tea cups, paintings, books, prints and other various doodads. She once even hired an artist friend of mine to paint a mural on her bedroom wall that included a splendid red-throated hummingbird.